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rapidmicrobiologyCleanrooms are under constant bombardment from intruding elements, namely humans.

From outside contaminates being introduced from beyond the confines of the room, to skin cells radiating from its human occupants, a cleanroom must constantly be monitored to ensure efficacy.

trio.bas-guanto-bianco-3testateHardy Diagnostics provides all the tools necessary to ensure that your clean room remains in optimal working condition.

Orum International, based out of Milan, Italy, has introduced its Trio.Bas line of air samplers with Hardy Diagnostics as being the sole North American distributor.

Orum International, founded by the creator of the SAS Air Sampler, Roberto Ligugnana, is paving the way for a new standard in air sampling.

In addition to offering the industry standard single and dual headed models, they also offer a three headed model.

The balanced, lightweight design is a major improvement over other less ergonomic models.

Furthermore, Trio.Bas uses standard 100mm or 60mm plates, reducing costs over air samplers who require expensive, proprietary media.